Hayley Westenra - Paradiso - Lyrics

Click a track name or scroll down for the lyrics

  1. Gabriel's Oboe (Whispers In A Dream) lyrics by Hayley Westenra - 4m 27s
  2. Cinema Paradiso: Profumo Di Limone lyrics by Ennio Morricone - 3m 10s
  3. La Califfa lyrics by Ennio Morricone & Hayley Westenra - 4m 12s
  4. Once Upon A Time In The West lyrics by Ennio Morricone - 4m 00s
  5. Metti Una Sera A Cena lyrics by Ennio Morricone - 4m 29s
  6. Cinema Paradiso: Would He Even Know Me Now? lyrics by Don Black -  4m 11s
  7. Per Natale (L'Esprit de Noël) lyrics by Josephine Drai - 2m 53s *
  8. I Knew I Loved You (Deborah's Theme) lyrics by Ennio Morricone, Alan Bergman  & Marilyn Bergman - 3m 39s
  9. Lezione Di Musica lyrics by Ennio Morricone - 2m 33s *
  10. Da Quel Sorriso Che Non Ride Piu lyrics by Ennio Morricone - 7m 13s
  11. The Edge Of Love lyrics by Tim Rice - 3m 44s *
  12. Amalia Por Amor lyrics by Joao Mendonca - 6m 06s
  13. Here's To You lyrics by Joan Baez - 3m 40s
  14. Malena lyrics by Hayley Westenra - 4m 06s

Total playing time - 58m 23s

To read the notes about this lyrics page click here.

Original Lyrics
English Translation if required

1. Gabriel's Oboe (Whispers In A Dream)

Whispers in a dream
The world is quiet and waiting
And all around the air is still
Then sings the angel.

When all has come to pass
The storm has breathed its last
And the rain has washed our fears away
Love will fall.

Whispers in the wind
The clouds part to let the light in
And all around the people sigh
As birds take to the sky.

When all has come to pass
The storm has breathed its last
And the rain has washed our fears away
Love will fall
On us all
The world will smile again

Whispers in a dream
The world is quiet and waiting
And all around the air is still
Then sings the angel

When all has come to pass
The storm has breathed its last
And the rain has washed our fears away
Love will fall
On us all
And we can smile again

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2. Cinema Paradiso - Profumo di Limone

C'è profumo di limone al mio paese,
Sospeso in aria nella via
Ti avvolge fino a che
Come un respiro e una magia
  - non ti abbandonerà sempre più

Nella luce di una sera in primavera
Io me ne sono andata via
Portando dentro me
L'incanto di una storia che non è finita mai
 - sempre tu, amore

Quel profumo è solamente casa mia
Che mi accarezza e spazza via
Insieme all'allegria
Il canto della gioventù che non mi lascia più
Come ultimo dono

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Cinema Paradiso - The Scent of Lemons

There is the scent of lemons in my village
Suspended in the air in the street
Envelopes you until
With more breath is magic
Will not abandon you ever more

In the light of a spring evening
I went away from there
For when within me
The enchantment of a story that has never ended
 - always you, love

That scent is just my house
It caresses and blows away
Along with the joy
The song of youth that will not leave me anymore
As a final gift


3. La Califfa

You look down at all you see
Throw your broken words at me
A flower fair
A whisper in the air
Your heart is blind to all that I see.

You say love is like the tide
Nothing lasts for all of time
But I believe that love is here with me,
And for eternity.

Tu non credere, perche
Questa crudelta di padroni
Ha visto in me
Solo una cagna che
Mi mett' anch'
Io alla tua catena.

Tu ritroverai con me
La più splendida proprietà
Un attimo di sole sopra noi
Alla ricerca di te

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The Lady Caliph



Don’t you ever believe, only because
Those cruel landlords
Have seen in me
Only a dog

That I too will put
Myself to your chain.

You will find again with me
The most splendid possession
A moment of sunshine above us
In search of you


4. Once Upon A Time In The West


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5. Metti Una Sera A Cena

Passa un anno intero,
Giorno dopo giorno,
Cci guardiamo indifferentemente,
Diventiamo estranei, l’uno all'altro.

Non facciamo niente per recuperare
Tutti quei momenti, quegli istanti
Che ci hanno fatto innamorare.

Noi restiamo ormai senza saper dire
Una sola frase, una parola,
Balbettiamo appena qualche sì.

Non c'é alcun pensiero
Che al cuore arrivi
Dal tuo cuore muto,
Insieme al mio
In attesa, non si sa di che.

Metti una sera come ogni sera
Che si siamo a cena,
Noi due soltanto,
Alziamo gli occhi, e all'improvviso
Sui nostri visi
Non c'è più niente.

Non restiamo ormai senza saper dire
Una sola frase, una parola,
Balbettiamo appena qualche sì.

Non c'é alcun pensiero
Che al cuore arrivi
Dal tuo cuore muto,
Insieme al mio
In attesa, non si sa di che.

Metti una sera come ogni sera
Che siamo a cena,
Noi due soltanto,
Alziamo gli occhi, e all'improvviso
Sui nostri visi
Non c'è più niente.

Metti una sera come ogni sera
Che siamo a cena
Noi due soltanto...

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Suppose An Evening At Dinner

An entire year passes,
Day after day,
We look at each other indifferently,
We become strangers, one for the other.

We don’t do anything to revive
All those moments, those instants
Which made us fall in love.

By now we don’t know how to say
Even one sentence, one word,
We barely babble a "yes".

There is not one thought
Which reaches the heart
From your silent heart,
With mine waiting
For who knows for what.

Suppose an evening like every evening,
When we are at dinner,
Only the two of us,
We lift our eyes, and all of a sudden
On our faces
There's nothing left.

By now we don’t know how to say
Even one sentence, one word,
We barely babble a "yes".

There is not one thought
Which reaches the heart
From your silent heart,
With mine waiting
For who knows for what.

Suppose an evening like every evening,
When we are at dinner,
Only the two of us,
We lift our eyes, and all of a sudden
On our faces
There's nothing left.

Suppose an evening like every evening,
When we are at dinner
Only the two of us...

6. Cinema Paradiso - Would He Even Know Me Now?

I wonder would he even know me now
We were so young and it was long ago
Or will the memories rush back all at once with one hello

I wonder if he'll even know my name
Or must I remind him of those days
He used to love me then, he may still love me now

I wonder if this music takes him back
To when our world was one big silver screen
Lost in the darkness we'd go
 - where only our hearts had been

I wonder if he still recalls my touch
I wish I could turn the clock somehow
He used to love me then, he may still me love me now

I wonder would me even know me now
We were so young and it was long ago
Or will the memories rush back all at once with one hello

I wonder if he'll even know my name
Or must I remind him of those days
He used to love me then, he may still love me now

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7. Per Natale (L'esprit de Noël)

Au plus profond de la nuit
J’ai levé les yeux au ciel
Et ce soir j’ai ressenti
Une émotion plus solennelle

Même s’il fait très froid dehors
Il y a ce beau décor
Qui rajoute une chaleur
 - dans nos sourires et dans nos cœurs
La joie a pris rendez vous
Avec l’espoir en nous
Et je sais que quelque part les anges
 - veillent au dessus de nous

En cette nuit féerique
La neige, les étoiles
Ont des reflets magiques
Il n’y a plus de mal

En cette belle nuit d’hiver
La lune, les sapins
Offrent une douce lumière
Ainsi tout va bien

Instant unique de magie
Dans une bonté infinie
Où les anges se rappellent
De nous caresser de leurs ailes

Du soir au petit matin
Ils illuminent le chemin
De l’amour au creux des mains
Pour aller juste un peu plus loin

Pour rallumer l’étincelle
Il y a l’esprit de Noël
Pour rendre la vie plus belle
Il y a l’esprit de Noël
Pour un amour éternel
Il y a l’esprit de Noël

Pour rallumer l’étincelle
Il y a l’esprit de Noël
Pour rendre la vie plus belle

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For the Nativity (The Spirit of Christmas)

Deep in the night
I looked up to the sky
And tonight I felt
A more solemn emotion

Even if it is very cold outside
There is this beautiful setting
Which adds warmth
 - in our smiles and in our hearts
Joy has arranged a meeting
With the hope inside of us
And I know that somewhere angels
 - are watching over us

On this magical night
Snow and stars
Have magical glints
There is no more harm

On this beautiful winter night
The moon and fir trees
Give a sweet light
And so everything is fine

Unique moment of magic
In boundless goodness
In which angels remember
To stroke us with their wings

From twilight till dawn
They light up the way
Love in the palm of our hands
To go just a little further

To relight a sparkle
There is the spirit of Christmas
To make life more beautiful
There is the spirit of Christmas
For an everlasting love
There is the spirit of Christmas

To relight a sparkle
There is the spirit of Christmas
To make life more beautiful

8. Deborah's Theme - I Knew I Loved You

I knew I loved you
Before I knew you
The hands of time
Would lead me to you
An evening star
Watched from afar
It guided me here
It knew you'd be here

Now wrapped in moonlight
At last together
Here in the incandescent glow
We are all we need to know
As we softly please each other
'Til the stars and shadows glow
And we sing
With our dreams among us

I knew I loved you
Before I found you
I knew I'd build my world around you
Now all my days
And all my nights
And my tomorrows
Will all begin
And end
With you

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9. Lezione di Musica

Do re mi fa sol mi re do
Si do re mi fa re do si
Do re mi fa sol mi re do
Si do re mi fa re do si
Do re mi fa sol la si do
Re mi fa sol la si do re
Mi fa sol la si do re mi
Re do si la sol re me re
Do... re... mi... fa... sol... fa... mi... re...

Do re mi fa sol mi re do
Si do re mi fa re do si
Do re mi fa sol mi re do
Si do re mi fa re do si


Do... re... mi... fa... sol... fa... mi... re... do...

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Music Lesson

10. Da Quel Sorriso Che Non Ride Più

Ta, guarda qui, casa mia
Ci sono anch'io nella fotografia
Tra madre, padre, cane, nonna e zia
Sarà chissà, vent' anni fa
 - forse più
Che faccie scure! Che malinconia!
Che mi dà
Ringrazio al cielo son venuta via
Da quel sorriso che non ride più
Da quel dolore che non piange più

Si lo so
Eppure si lo farò, lo farò
Un giorno o l'altro a casa tornerò
A dire "Ciao! Che cosa costerà?"
Eppure so che non dovrei
Casa mia, si attacca a me come una malatia
Chi lo sa?
Ringrazio al cielo son venuta via
Da quel sorriso che non ride più
Da quel dolore che non piange più
Si lo so, eppure qui ci son’ io
Coi pugni chiusi a dire
"Questo è mio
Anche se poco è questo e solo mio
E solo mio."
E col pensiero ritornare là, sempre là
Da quel sorriso che non ride più
Da quel dolore che non piange più


Si lo farò
Un giorno o l'altro forse partirò
E tornerò
Casa mia, casa mia

Non cera *** forse e una pazzia
E quel sorriso che non ride più
E quel dolore che non piange più

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To The Smile That Isn't Laughing Any More

Ta, look here, my home
I too am in the photograph
Between mother, father, the dog, grandmother and aunt
It must be, who knows, twenty years ago
 - maybe more
What dark faces! What sadness!
This gives me
Thank heaven that I went away
From the smile that isn't laughing any more
From the pain that isn't crying any more

Yes, I know
Yet, yes, I will do it, I will do it
One of these days I will return home
To say "Hello! What does it cost me?"
Yet I know I should not
My home, it sticks to me like a disease
Who knows?
I thank heaven that I went away
From the smile that isn't laughing any more
From the pain that isn't crying any more
Yes I know, but I am here
With clenched fists to say
"This is mine
Although it’s little this is just mine
It’s mine alone."
And my thoughts go back there, always there
To the smile that isn't laughing any more
To the pain that isn't crying any more


Yes I will
One of these days maybe I'll go
And I will return
My house, my home

Do not be angry and perhaps go crazy
And the smile that isn't laughing any more
And the pain that isn't crying any more

11. The Edge of Love

There's been a change
In who we are
It seems to me, that this could be the edge of love

It's rather strange
To come so far
And never show or even know that this was love

But now it's different
Yet we're the same
It's you and I
Just you and I

We're still the fools
They warned us of
But now I know
We're on the edge of love

And in a while
You'll realise
We've chanced upon
We've danced upon
The edge of love

It's in your smile
It's in your eyes
The gentle fire
The true desire
It must be love

There's no returning
From where we came
It's you and I
Just you and I

We're still the fools
They warned us of
But now I know
We're on the edge of love

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12. Amália Por Amor


Tens no olhar
Na alma e na voz
O verdadeiro fado
Que há em nós
E preso ás cordas da guitarra
Viveu o teu coração
Sem saber a razão

Cantas o mar
A terra e o céu
Com o coração na voz
Que Deus te deu

Sete colinas e varinas
E mil pregões pelo ar
O povo a rezar
Uma voz a cantar
Saudade, teu nome quiseste dar
À mulher que foi
Amália por amar

E a cantar
Tu dás tanto amor
Que morres para matar
A nossa dor
E há sardinheiras nas janelas
E procissões a passar
O povo a rezar

Tens no olhar
Na alma e na voz
O lusitano fado que há em nós
E há sardinheiras nas janelas
E procissões a passar
Uma voz a cantar

Uma voz a cantar
Saudade, teu nome quiseste dar
À mulher que foi
Amália por amar


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Amalia For Love


You got in the look
In the soul and voice
The real destiny
That exists within us
And stuck to the guitar strings
Lived your heart
Without knowing the reason

You sing the sea
The earth and the sky
With the heart in the voice
That God gave you

Seven hills and varinas
And a thousand pregões in the air
The people praying
One voice singing
Nostalgia is your name you wanted to give
To the woman who was
Amalia for love

And singing
You give so much love
That you die to kill
Our pain
And there are sardinheiras in the windows
And the processions pass
The people praying

You got in the look
In the soul and voice
The lusitanian destiny that exists within us
And there are sardinheiras in the windows
And the processions pass
One voice singing

One voice singing
Nostalgia, your name you wanted to give
To the woman who was
Amalia for love


13. Here's To You

Here's to you, Nicola and Bart
Rest forever here in our hearts
The last and final moment is yours
That agony is your triumph

Here's to you, Nicola and Bart
Rest forever here in our hearts
The last and final moment is yours
That agony is your triumph

Here's to you, Nicola and Bart
Rest forever within our hearts
The last and final moment is yours
That agony is your triumph

Here's to you, Nicola and Bart
Rest forever within our hearts
The last and final moment is yours
That agony is your triumph

Here's to you, Nicola and Bart
Rest forever within our hearts
The last and final moment is yours
That agony is your triumph

Here's to you, Nicola and Bart
Rest forever within our hearts
The last and final moment is yours
That agony is your triumph

Here's to you, Nicola and Bart
Rest forever within our hearts
The last and final moment is yours
That agony is your triumph

Here's to you, Nicola and Bart
Rest forever within our hearts
The last and final moment is yours
That agony is your triumph

Here's to you, Nicola and Bart
Rest forever within our hearts
The last and final moment is yours
That agony is your triumph

Here's to you, Nicola and Bart
Rest forever within our hearts
The last and final moment is yours
That agony is your triumph

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14. Malena

Kissed by sunrise
Eyes made for mine
Skin of moonglow
Breath made of wine

Give me water
Give me rainfall
For I can't wash away
The thoughts of you around me
And all I dream is that
Your heart would beat with mine

It's like the stars that shine, mountains we climb

'Til the end
I would stand
By your side.

In the moonlight
Your eyes missed mine
Caught the starglow
Left me behind

Give me water
Give me rainfall
For I can't wash away
The thoughts of you around me
And all I wish is that
Your heart would beat with mine

It's like the stars that shine, mountains we climb

'Til the end
I will stand
By your side

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These lyrics are copyriight the relevant lyricist or publisher and are posted here only and for no other purpose than to assist the fans of Hayley Westenra and purchasers of her album Paradiso in Countries where lyrics have not been or will not be provided with the album. These lyrics and the translations are for personal use only and should not be copied distributed or reposted on the Internet without asking, first.

The lyrics were initially compiled for us by Joe, aided by many HWI forum members and checked by Dave against the lyrics provided in the booklet accompanying the Japanese release of Paradiso, kindly provided by Grant. The official lyrics set did contain a few omissions and errors, which we have tried to correct here. Libby has also compiled a lyrics set for Paradiso and that can be found in the forum starting here.

Translations into English were a group effort and members are invited to suggest improvements to the translations in the forum. Many thanks to all the HWI forum members involved, especially those mentioned above.