NHK TV 2 August 2013 (subtitled video)

13 Aug 2013

Following our report on 2 August about Hayley's guest appearance on the popular NHK Japan programme "Asaichi", we have now added English subtitles and the subtitled version can be seen below.

Hayley was interviewed as well as singing her new Japanese single Bridge Over Troubled Water. She also sang the first verse of Amazing Grace a cappella.

Translation is by Maya; sub-editing and sub-titling by Dave. Many thanks to Maya for all his work on this!


Video: Hayley Westenra on NHK Asaichi (complete - English subtitles - 1.00 Mbps)
Guest appearance 2 August 2013 © NHK/Decca (12m 58s)

There is a higher quality video of the two songs on Youtube channel yoshiyuki wasurenagusa : and this is where the nice splash screen above comes from, many thanks to him.


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